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Your most significant relationship is to yourself. It informs all of your other relationships. And your body is a vital part of that self. Cultivating a positive loving relationship with yourself (including your body, people!) is an incredibly radical and deeply healing thing to do. This body we are born into is the only thing we are assured of, so why shouldn't we take impeccable care of it? One of the best ways to take care of your body is to MOVE!


Movement is for EVERYONE. If you've ever thought to yourself, "oh, I'll get around to exercise after I've lost some weight." Or "Isn't Pilates for dancers? I couldn't do that. I'm so uncoordinated."


Think again. The best time to start taking better care of yourself is now.


We don't get better at things we don't do. And we get better at the things we practice. So let's practice getting stronger and having a joyful, pleasurable time moving while we're at it. 


  • Come and move with a community of amazing people over zoom!

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    25 US dollars
  • A personalized workout tailored to your goals and your body.

    55 min

    110 US dollars
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